Lockdown 2.0

Well…. what else is there to say?

Genuinely had plans to sit and write about how shopping for your wedding dress is different now and how you can be prepared, but that seems a bit pointless now…

Seems a bit shit to be telling you how to say yes to the dress during these unusual times but when none of us will be doing that for at least another 4 weeks, feels like a bit of a slap in the face no?

So while I never dreamed that I would have to be doing this all again, the door of my beautifully pink boutique will be closing again… but hopefully this time around, they wont be closed for as long as last time.

I’m not going to lie, this time feels that much harder, even sadder than before? Please tell me it’s not just me! I don’t know, maybe having been part of your bridal memory making over the last few months has felt even more special than ever before, therefore it cuts deeper now that this is being taken away again?

Anyway before I start to cry… again… let’s use this time at this oh so precious time of year to support each other even more than before…

  • Write fabulous reviews for your favourite suppliers…

  • Like, comment, save and share their social media posts…

  • Purchase Christmas gifts from small, local businesses where you can…

and maybe more importantly…

  • continue as best you can to plan your spring/summer 21 weddings, 2022 weddings even maybe 2023 weddings. Paying deposits and booking in suppliers now will help them with their current cash flow as well as letting them see that they have future business to look forward too.

How can you do this with me I hear you ask?

  • book an appointment… booking your appointments with me for December and the start of the new year gives me so much hope and joy for the future

  • purchase a gift voucher… maybe you know someone who is planning on visiting me and you would like to be able to help them with the cost of their wedding dress

  • keep an eye out for bridal accessories hitting the website very soon

  • leave me a lovely review and continue to like, comment, save and share my social media!

I am always grateful for all your love and support, and the love and support I have received from you all since Saturday night has been so overwhelming! I couldnt love you all more!

If there is anything I can do for you during this time, please do not hesitate to slide into those dm’s, drop me an email or while im in the boutique over the next couple of days give me a call!


Someone NEW is coming to The Bottom Drawer Bridal


Love Story Bride.... incoming!