Colour of the year... How to use it in the world of bridal fashion

The flowers, shoes or even bridesmaids gowns would be the easiest way of using the trend, but who says wedding planning is easy right?!

There are so many ways in which you would be able to use this beautiful colour in the world of weddings, more than you probably know, so heres some ways to use it in my wonderful little world…

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The Dress

This is always a trend I can fully get on board with (as you well know!) I love a coloured dress! Sassi Holford’s Marilyn and Charlotte Balbier’s Untamed Love have been just 2 of my favourites over the years! You can have a full coloured dress, dip dyed dress, a printed fabric, coloured embellishments, it’s not just about ivory or white anymore!

Charlotte Balbier’s Sonnett gown from the Bohemian Blush collection is a great example of a traditional style with a modern twist. She’s a beautiful tulle ballgown with a coral and mint embroidered bodice.

Hair Accessories

Again, sparkle in the hair doesn’t have to be silver or gold and no it does not have to be a tiara! You’d be surprised at the amount of brides that think that is the only option! There is so much more out there at the moment, hair bands, pins, vines; in rose gold, with porcelain embellishments there are even dried flower vines! A lot of new sparkle came in from Linzi Jay at the start of the year and its fairly safe to say I love them all!



It always surprises me but this is part of the wedding outfit that is never really given much thought until the last minute. I mean not necassarily for on the day as 9 times out of 10 you’ll be wearing a comfy pair of knickers under the dress and not much else; now I’m talking on the wedding night or more likely the honeymoon. (Don’t worry too much about the wedding night, 9 times out of 10 you’ll be snoring more than anything else!) Once again this does not have to be ivory/white… our gorgeous Pompadour Lingerie is available in a beautiful range of colours!

See I told you, it’s not always about flowers or shoes with me, there’s also pants and hair!

Struggling to find good ideas, drop me an email and we’ll come up with a solution together!

All my love

Victoria x


My thoughts on 2020...


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